Case Studies
Why should you use our products?
Our products can produce
- A increased Yield Response
- Increased Winter Hardiness
- Improvements to root growth and structure
- Prevention in pod losses in rapeseed
And that’s just the start!
Can we prove it?
Yes we can!
We have 2 years of trials data to show responses. Trials demonstrate outstanding results not only on 5,000-acre estates but equally on 100-acre farms.
Experience has shown that best results can be achieved with sophisticated foliar formulations allowing the maximum amount of nutrient to make contact as droplets which land consistently and accurately on the plant leaf whilst tank mixing with other pesticides without causing blockages or scorching.
Seed Start is our seed treatment dressing which provides benefits to the plant at planting and persists longer in the plant after emergence than other seed treatments do. This allows the crop increased vigour at the vital establishment stage, to prove this too you in a scientific way, we have included results from a trial conducted on seed start treatments, these seed treatments were conducted by trials contractors on behalf of the University of Nottingham..
Seed Start Trials Data?
The results of the Seed Start trials as tested by contractors on behalf of Nottingham University.
The effect of treatment on root weight
Seed Start is a bio stimulant seed treatment which allows all types of cereal and oil seed rape seed to develop a good root system.
The data opposite shows the difference between seed start and other similar seed treatments.
Seed Start works with the principle of enhancing a crop at the T-1 stage which will allow the crop increased vigour, at the vital establishment stage.

Emergence Data
The emergence data shows how Seed Start, reaches over the 120% of the emergence compared with the untreated emergence rate of the same OSR Rapeseed. This happens within three days, which proves that Seed Start promotes healthy plants right from the first stage of crop development.

What do farmers say about our products?
“We are now looking forward to entering our second season with Cropwell Products. To date we have seen that Cropwell’s products are quality in their formulation, packaging and efficacy. We have used Cropacre Manganese in all of our T0 and T1 applications and have found that 1kg/ha has been sufficient for even the lighter soils vs. higher rates of manganese sulphate. The Cropacre manganese is priced competitively against other manganese products which are typically in paper bags vs. the water resistant plastic bags from Cropwell”.
“We are now using Cropacre Magnesium instead of Bittersaltz. The Cropacre Magnesium is being used at 2kg/ha instead of 5kg/ha of Bittersaltz. We are using this at early and late flowering on our OSR crops and with our T2 and T3 applications on our winter wheat to improve quality, bushel and protein”.
“We have mixed the Cropacre Manganese and the Cropacre Magnesium with up to five other tank partners with PGR’s, Herbicides and Fungicides all with positive results. We are looking forward to trying the Well-Mix-Zinc and the Cropacre Boron which are two new trace elements we are hoping to use to further improve plant health and ultimately drive yield in our cereal crops!”.
“The pH buffering qualities of the Cropwell products are an added bonus over competitive products which offers increased efficacy of all other tank mix partners”.
Eric Wright farms Eric Wright Farms 3000 acres across the East Midlands
What do farmers say about our products?
“Over the last eighteen months, Cropwell products have made a positive contribution to farm profitability. We have reduced our oil seed rape losses by preserving pod numbers, we have done this by thus preventing pod senescence, and sealing the seed inside the pods.”
“For cereals, winter hardiness has been improved by applying manganese. The same formulation of A manganese,, Spring-applied, formulation improved the efficacy of the other tank mix actives and was present for 50% longer in the plant than existing products which were then being used.”
“We now apply half of our Nitrogen as foliar N in tank mixes containing up to 5 actives. Within 45 minutes the foliar N starts working saving us money on separate application costs as well as time.”
“The result has been excellent yields with significant increase over the previous regime. This has to be the best way forward for us to break the yield plateau.”
Mark Hewitt farms 300 acres at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire