Price on application
What is Quench
Quench is recommended for foliar application by air assisted or conventional hydraulic sprayers. The polymer formulation ensures that Quench is rainfast within 30 minutes. Quench is compatible with a wide range of agrochemicals. Correct timing of application is necessary to optimise the biological activity required to enhance root development and growth.
- It is a unique non nutrient Bio stimulant
- Stimulates the plants growth hormones
- Start production of hormones earlier and finish them later
- For example, to stimulate a rape crop in the autumn to produce root growth in preference to leaf growth.
- The root development is unsurpassed
Use and Results
Quench is highly effective when applied to crops early in their development, prior to the onset of vegetative growth. It will then increase early root growth and plant establishment, improve overall plant vigour.
Volume per pack : 5L
Dosage: 0.5L per Ha
Price per acre: £1.59