Dec 21, 2016
Unfortunately due to to the strength of currency after the events of this summer, most AG Chem and related inputs are set to increase in price dues to an increase in cost of the imported raw materials or products. This is why we are encouraging early orders on Spring Nutrients to ensure that people have their products on farm in February and at no more money than they would have paid in 2015. If you would like to secure the low price please contact us before the end of the year to discuss options, buy now pay later or order now, deliver in Feb and pay in March inline with your normal cash flow. We know there so many things to think about in the spring so order now and relax, don’t have that last minute panic to get it in the... read more
Jul 29, 2016
After what unfortunately looks to be a very disappointing harvest for 2016, why not think about some new approaches this autumn to try and prevent the same for 2017. Here are some of our suggestions for improving your autumn establishment and ultimately your yields Consider Durasop Elite complete controlled nongranular fertiliser. Duarsop is a specialist 10.10.17 product with trace elements added and slow release duranit technology means the fertiliser last. As a placement fertiliser that goes down the spout at drilling. Seed start applied to OSR and cereal seed brings a host of advantages to early emergence and establishment from only £1.50/acre Why not keep the potatoes going with CropAcre Magnesium every other blight spray and Tophite to boost the blight control in humid higher disease pressures, helping yield at the same time? Min till/no till growers, this autumn you can feed the soil and the bacteria with Humicrop-bring the soil to life! For more details or advice please call Sarah on 01664... read more
Feb 28, 2015
There’s a vast and often bewildering product range to choose from. Whatever your purchasing decision, it’s essential that the micronutrients in your chosen product are in a form that makes them available to the plant. For fertiliser products, this means that they mustn’t get locked up in the soil. While most micronutrients will remain in the soil after application, both manganese and boron will leach in certain circumstances. With foliar sprays, the nutrient must be able to get into the plant. As a result, the elements must be soluble so that they can be taken up across the leaf surface. Another important consideration is that they are non-toxic and safe for crop use. Boron – both techniques should be used together. Soil testing before planting is recommended and a value less than 0.8mg/litre of dry soil is considered to be a risk. Foliar tests also provide a good guide to potential shortfall, with a value below 5-100mg/kg of dry matter, depending on the crop, indicating a possible deficiency. Chlorine – deficiency can be diagnosed by soil or leaf analysis. However, chlorine is rarely deficient and a crop’s requirement can usually be met by chlorine in the soil and in rainfall. Manganese – soil testing can be variable and should be backed up by foliar analysis to confirm a diagnosis, with a value lower than 20mg/kg dry matter indicating a possible problem. Zinc – leaf analysis is also the most useful diagnostic guide, where less than 15mg/kg may indicate a shortfall. Nickel – foliar analysis is again the best guide, with leaf concentrations less than 0.1 mg/kg dry matter highlighting a... read more